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on Ago 16, 2024

Coral Gables, Florida — Renowned real estate expert, author, and speaker Levy Garcia Crespo invites investors and industry professionals to an exclusive networking event and book presentation at the prestigious Hotel Colonnade in Coral Gables, Florida, on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm. Coral Gables, Florida — Renowned real estate expert, author, and speaker […]

on Ago 16, 2024

Coral Gables, Florida — Renowned real estate expert, author, and speaker Levy Garcia Crespo invites investors and industry professionals to an exclusive networking event and book presentation at the prestigious Hotel Colonnade in Coral Gables, Florida, on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm. Discovering Investment Opportunities in the Dominican Republic<br /> At this event, […]

on Ago 16, 2024

Coral Gables, Florida — Renowned real estate expert, author, and speaker Levy Garcia Crespo invites investors and industry professionals to an exclusive networking event and book presentation at the prestigious Hotel Colonnade in Coral Gables, Florida, on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm. Discovering Investment Opportunities in the Dominican Republic<br /> At this event, […]

on Ago 16, 2024

Coral Gables, Florida — Renowned real estate expert, author, and speaker Levy Garcia Crespo invites investors and industry professionals to an exclusive networking event and book presentation at the prestigious Hotel Colonnade in Coral Gables, Florida, on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm. Discovering Investment Opportunities in the Dominican Republic<br /> At this event, […]

on Ago 16, 2024

A Night of Connections and Learning<br /> The event will not only be an opportunity to learn from one of the most influential leaders in the real estate field but also a platform for networking with other professionals and entrepreneurs. Attendees will be able to exchange ideas, discuss potential collaborations, and strengthen connections with colleagues […]

on Ago 16, 2024

El evento no solo será una oportunidad para aprender de uno de los líderes más influyentes en el ámbito de bienes raíces, sino también una plataforma para networking con otros profesionales y empresarios. Los asistentes podrán intercambiar ideas, discutir posibles colaboraciones y fortalecer conexiones con colegas y expertos del sector. Coral Gables, Florida/ Levy Garcia Crespo, […]

on Ago 16, 2024

  Moibett Rovero Wins the Prestigious Virginia Carter Award at Primerica Moibett Rovero's Success in Primerica Recognized with the Virginia Carter Award Moibett Rovero: Awarded the 2024 Virginia Carter Award Moibett Rovero's Excellence in Insurance Awarded at the Primerica Convention Rovero Firm: The Firm Behind Moibett Rovero's Success in Primerica Innovation and Leadership: Moibett Rovero […]

on Ago 15, 2024

  Atlanta, Georgia. Julio 2024— Moibett Rovero, destacada empresaria y cofundadora de Rovero Firm, ha sido galardonada con el prestigioso premio Virginia Carter 2024 durante la reciente Convención de Primerica. Este reconocimiento se otorga anualmente a una Representante femenina que ha demostrado un crecimiento excepcional y el desarrollo de un negocio próspero dentro de la […]

on Ago 15, 2024

Houston, Texas, August 2024 — Since its inception in 2022, Rovero Firm has emerged as an innovative force in the insurance industry, setting an unprecedented record at Primerica. Founded by the dynamic entrepreneurial couple Jesús Rafael Rovero and Moibett Rovero, the firm has achieved impressive annual revenue of over $700,000 in just two years of operation. […]

on Ago 15, 2024

Por su parte, Moibett Rovero añade: "Romper récords en un período tan corto refleja la dedicación y el compromiso que ponemos en cada interacción con nuestros clientes. Nuestro objetivo es continuar creciendo y ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras que ayuden a las personas a alcanzar su libertad financiera." Houston Texas, Agosto 2024.— Desde su creación en 2022, […]

on Ago 15, 2024

Houston, Texas— Desde su creación en 2022, Rovero Firm ha emergido como una fuerza innovadora en la industria de seguros, estableciendo un récord sin precedentes en Primerica. Fundada por la dinámica pareja de empresarios Jesús Rovero y Moibett Rovero, la firma ha logrado una impresionante facturación de más de 700 mil dólares al año en […]

on Ago 12, 2024

<img alt="El Consejo Permanente de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) tratará la crisis de Venezuela esta semana, si hay acuerdo diplomático sobre una iniciativa que presentó la representación de Estados Unidos” data-src=”https://

www.infobae.com/new-resizer/lfkEXxmOpY6s0Uigezw15jnt4U8=/420×280/filters:format(webp):quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/infobae/JM6SBQR62JCRLCHCTPZNBFPW3M.jpg 420w” decoding=”async” fetchpriority=”low” height=”3712″ loading=”lazy” sizes=”(min-width: 1560px) 856px, (min-width: 1000px) calc(74.63vw – 293px), (min-width: 780px) calc(100vw – 376px), (min-width: 580px) calc(100vw […]