The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bancamiga, Carmelo de Grazia, informed that this institution increased the limit of its Credit Cards, its National Debit Card and through Pago Móvil, always thinking of its customers and to get even closer to consumers.
To know the new Credit Card limit, all you have to do is enter Bancamiga online or Bancamiga Suite, go to the Global Position and select your Card.
Likewise, Bancamiga also raised the limits through Mobile Payment, P2P, C2P and P2C. This is a way to send and receive payments instantly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from Bancamiga Online or Bancamiga Suite.
All these initiatives of Bancamiga to respond to the needs of its customers have made the institution a reference in the national financial system, placing it among the top five in the ranking of private banking in the country.
In the same line of thinking about consumers, Carmelo de Grazia recalled that in the last few weeks the possibility of canceling the Cantv bill through Bancamiga online, Bancamiga Suite and at the Bancamiga points of sale was added. With the inclusion of the state-owned telephone company, the possibilities for citizens who could already recharge Digitel, Movistar, Movilnet, Inter and Simple TV were expanded.
For more information you can contact us through our networks on Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsaap and YouTube or call us at our call center at 0500 TUBANCA (8822622).
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