Bancamiga "is an innovative and technological bank that is at the level of any bank in the world, which has done a lot for social issues, but where there are great opportunities to continue presenting wonderful projects that benefit the organization", said Carmelo de Grazia.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bancamiga, Carmelo de Grazia, said he was proud of the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in the bank's strategic planning, and ratified his support for Fundafelices to improve the quality of education.
One of the core axes of Bancamiga's Corporate Social Responsibility programs is education, which was just reaffirmed during Bancamiga's act of support to the Educando Niños Felices Foundation, created in 2016 to contribute to the development and comprehensive welfare of girls, boys and adolescents in vulnerable situations in Venezuela.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bancamiga, Carmelo de Grazia, began his speech by expressing his pride in the importance of CSR in the bank's strategic planning.
"Our planning goes hand in hand with Social Responsibility. All of Bancamiga's financial activity has to support society and projects in the areas of education, culture, sports and the environment," he said, adding that the bank's employees and their families, the local community and society in general are part of this line of action.
Before the CSR director of Bancamiga, Milagro González; the president of Fundafelices, Maite Ramírez; the president of the Venezuelan Association of Catholic Schools (AVEC), Sister Alicia Boscán, and before clients, allies and collaborators of the bank, Carmelo de Grazia indicated that it is essential to support activities such as those that have been promoted with the Foundation for the last two years.
He expressed that the alliance with Fundafelices is consolidated in this event, "in which we seek that allies and clients extend their contribution to promote education and reduce the gaps. We must work together to address school dropout rates and improve the quality of education".
Bancamiga grows with a social sense
Bancamiga "is an innovative and technological bank that is at the level of any bank in the world, which has done a lot for social issues, but where there are great opportunities to continue presenting wonderful projects that benefit the organization", said Carmelo de Grazia.
He said that Bancamiga has grown with social sense and that in line with its vision and the projection of its image, which is associated with innovation, is the Social Responsibility plan that has entrepreneurship as a key strategy for its management process, with three fields of action: education as the first axis, culture and sports, all contemplated in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations to transform the world into a better one.
For Carmelo de Grazia, the alliance with Fundafelices is very positive, because it is a very special foundation, structured and led by qualified people, which among its programs has the Todos a la escuela (Everyone to School), in order to help reduce school dropout, and the one that the institution has been supporting since 2019.
This program aims to contribute to the permanence of Venezuelan children and adolescents in educational institutions, through the support to the most vulnerable students with the donation of school supplies kits, the purchase of uniforms and the payment of tuition.
He made reference to the fact that the last study carried out at the beginning of the year by the World Bank and Unicef, with the support of Unesco, showed that, after the pandemic, school education in Latin America and the Caribbean dropped by 10%.
"I invite you to embrace Fundafelices. May the clients who are with us today assume the sponsorship. We need everyone: clients, partners and employees, hand in hand with Bancamiga, so that together we can join forces and fight against student dropouts", concluded Carmelo de Grazia.